Dixie Divers Deluxe Lobster Season Kit - Catching The Bug 2nd ED, Lobster Inn, Green Snare, Intestinal Remover Gauge
Dixie Divers
Brand: Dixie Divers
Catching the Bug-second edition is the comprehensive guide to catching the spiny lobster. This second edition has updated information and redesigned in an easier-to-read format with many more Chiefy stories. There are new and improved pictures with additional chapters including "Chiefy Goes Global," providing world-wide lobster information. It is still formatted in the same three sections-Find, Catch and Eat the Lobster.
Green Lobster Snare with stainless steel Loop - 34 Inch shaft length High Quality Lobster Loop with Stainless wire Loop and Locking Pull to hold your catch Firmly. Vastly Superior to the traditional Tickle stick and net method - the snare lets you catch the Lobster in their lair! Color Green Weight 15 oz
Lobster Hotel with an easy in one way top for one handed bagging! Nylon top with mesh bottom! Zippered bottom for easy removal of catch back on the boat. The top of the catch bag sports an handled plastic ring with a one way flapper to allow you to place your catch in the bag one handed. Weight 32 oz